Thursday, March 18, 2010

Some Haiti Resources

I just got this via email. I myself would do well to compile some other responses I got from others.
-- Jim
I am cut and pasting all the answers b/c quite frankly there were so many that I hesitate to choose.

I will narrow down some favorites later when I come back from work.
Alice Backer, Esq.

1. Red and Black in Haiti (Matthew Smith)
2. The Uses of Haiti
3. Haiti and the United States
4. Haiti: State Against Nation

1. Love, Anger, Madness
2. Brother I am Dying
3. Masters of the Dew

1. The Agronomist
3. Heading South
4. Man by the Shore
5. Ghosts of Cite Soleil
6. Moloch Tropical
7. Egalite for All
8. Royal Bonbon

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