SMIE* is looking for new Stream Monitoring volunteers!
Sunday, October 26th
UNC-Asheville, Forks of Ivy
$15 suggested donation
($ collected at training, please don't send in advance)
The morning will be spent at UNC-Asheville, learning background information and bug ID skills, using scopes and other equipment. There will be a lunch break from 12:30-1:30pm, and the afternoon will be spent applying the new protocol in the field (doing several types of biological sampling, bug ID, and data collecting). Attendees can earn 7 hours towards Criteria III for NC Enviro. Education Certification Program.
Volunteer expectations:
· Attend the training (lunch provided, carpooling encouraged).
· Sample a minimum of 2 sites (it only takes 2-3 hours for a group to sample one site), 2 times per year.
All volunteer groups will have a group leader, who has additional training in bug identification, and a paid technician will provide oversight for quality assurance purposes. This valuable training opportunity is open to anyone interested (ages 17 and up), so please help spread the word, and take advantage of this excellent opportunity!
To RSVP, or for more information, please contact Gracia O’Neill at Clean Water for NC (828) 251-1291, or
We hope to hear from you soon!
~Gracia O'Neill
*SMIE is a collaboration of several area non-profits and government agencies, coordinated by CWFNC, which has been working to develop a new volunteer stream monitoring protocol. This method is more advanced than common biological citizen monitoring methods (such as Izaak Walton League), but is still easy to follow for volunteers with no prior experience in stream monitoring. All of the data collected by volunteer groups will be shared with NC DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) to be used as a "red flag" for identifying waterways in need of additional protection. Volunteer monitoring groups will be a focal point or community interaction, promote a sense of stewardship of local waterways and empower residents to protect the quality of our mountain rivers and streams! Donations larger than the requested $15 will be gratefully accepted.
Gracia O'Neill
Assistant Director
Clean Water for North Carolina
29 1/2 Page Ave.
Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 251-1291
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[image: Mortgage Rates]Note: Mortgage rates are from
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